

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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22 The LORD said, "Keep all my laws and commands, so that you will not be rejected by the land of Cannan, into which I am bringing you. 23 Do not adopt the customs of the people who live there; I am driving out those pagans so that you can enter the land. They have disgusted me with all their evil practices. 24 But I have promised you this rich and fertile land as your possession, and I will give it to you. I am the LORD your God, and I have set you apart from the other nations. 25 So then, you must make a clear disinction between animals and birds that are ritually clean and those that are not. Do not eat unclean animals or birds. I have declared them unclean, and eating them would make you unclean. 26 You shall be holy and belong only to me , because I am the LORD and I am holy. I have set you apart from the other nations so that you would belong to me alone.
27 "Any man or woman who consults the spirits of the dead shall be stoned to death; any of you that do this are responsible for your own death."